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Reflection on a library summer


As we move toward Labor Day, I can't help but reflect back on the events of summer days. Summer is usually a busy time at the library. COVID-19 badly disrupted the summer of 2020, affected the summer of 2021, and some impact lingered even this past summer, but it is good to see in-person library programming coming back to life.

The mainstay of our summer is always the Summer Quest program for children. The theme this year was Oceans of Possibilities. Storyteller Alan Irvine started us off the first week, and the stories, crafts, games, and overall fun continued for a total of five Fridays. The first three weeks, the weather cooperated with our program's Paul Fuller Park location. However, the final two weeks, storms created conditions too wet for meeting at the park. We thank the Borough for letting us move the activities into the Community Center gym. We also thank Somerset Trust Co. for funding our program-closing picnic. It was fun and tasty, even if it did have to move indoors!

Summer Quest was not the only event happening at the library. We hosted the county library system's STEAM team for two STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) camps for kids age eight and up. There was a three-day basic Electronics and Robotics camp, and a five-day Video Game Design camp. Everyone present seemed to have a good time, and I know a lot of good learning took place.

We had our usual summer reading challenges for teens and adults. Unfortunately, the closing pizza party for the teens was scheduled for the afternoon that a lot of local areas experienced heavy rain and flooding (including our basement), which kept attendance down.

Finally, our book discussion group has grown even larger than in pre-COVID days. I'm really enjoying those meetings.

I did take a vacation after Summer Quest ended in early August. I did a lot of reading, and my husband and I visited the "Star Trek Original Series Set Tour" in Ticonderoga, NY. It's a thorough reproduction of the original Star Trek sets, built from the original blueprints. I got to sit in the Captain's chair. I do fear that may have gone to my head a bit.

It's time to look ahead to Fall programming. Watch for information on our website Programs & Events section, and in future blog posts!

The Library Lady


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