Thanks to the Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC), WiFi from our library has been extended to the new park area across Main Street from the side of our library. When accessing WiFi from the park area, the network name to which you should connect is now “Project Connect.” Inside the library, you still should use Meyersdale Pub Library – Guest. The outdoor network was previous called “Homework Hub.” The name change occurred when we added some additional security to the network. For either the indoor or outdoor network, you will need to open a browser and agree to usage terms before connecting to the internet.
We hope this will be useful. Please use this access responsibly, and legally. It’s intended to help citizens with necessary tasks on the internet: mainly schoolwork, and perhaps job searches, responding to the census, etc. It’s not meant for recreational computer games. And, please, don’t try to do illegal downloading of copyrighted material, nor use for any nefarious purpose.
We are grateful for some recent volunteer efforts to beautify our library. One anonymous volunteer pulled a lot of weeds over the Labor Day weekend. (Thank you, whoever you are!) Lydia Renzi volunteered to remove the few remaining weeds. Mayor Mike Brant volunteered to repaint the cupola that crowns our library roof. When I went to work on Wednesday, I encountered Board member Fred DiPasquale with a pair of hedge clippers, giving our shrubbery a trim. Doesn’t it all look nice now?

And Rhonda Shultz updated some indoor library displays for Constitution Day (Sept. 17) and Self Improvement Month.
Thank you to everyone who helps to make our library better!