A very special fundraiser is being held now to benefit our library. When our former board president Dean O’Neil passed away earlier this year, he left the library an unusual bequest: his late wife Rita’s valuable collection of Hummel figurines and collectible plates. As a result, Dynamic Auction Group is hosting an online auction of these beautiful items for the benefit of Meyersdale Public Library, continuing through December 16. Dean did a lot for the library in his lifetime, and now he is still helping us after his passing!
Click on the image to the left to view the collection and/or place bids.

Another fundraiser is now ongoing, this one organized by our Friends of the Library Group. They are selling Mariana’s subs and pizzas to raise funds for the library. The price is $8.50. Orders and payment are due by Thursday, December 30, and can be picked up at the library on Tuesday, January 11 between noon and 2 p.m. See any member of the Friends group to place an order, or ask at the library for more information.

And now . . . announcing WOWBRARY! Wowbrary is our new FREE weekly electronic newsletter, with the first issue launching Saturday, December 4. It’s designed to let you know about the new books and movies that are added to the library each week, along with occasional library news. If you see something in Wowbrary that interests you, you can click through to our online catalog to view details and even place a hold! We hope you will sign up so that you can receive Wowbrary directly through your email.
Click the image to the left to sign up now! If you prefer, you may ask at the library for us to add you to the email list.
There’s always something new at the library. Come and see!
The Library Lady