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Local history online and other library news!


Here are some random thoughts and information bits as we move deeper into the summer:

Here is some BIG NEWS for a little library like ours! Our Progressive Era Photo Collection from the PA Power Library’s PA Photos and Documents can now also be found in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), online for the whole world to easily access! View it here:

This photo collection was initially contributed to PA Photos and Documents a number of years ago, when the late Cynthia Mason was our archivist. It’s great to see it in DPLA for wider viewing. We will soon be working to add three more photo collections to PA Photos and Documents, for eventual inclusion in DPLA: one of digitized slides of the PA Maple Festival through the years; one collection of oral histories related to the 1998 tornadoes that struck our county; and one involving the history of our library. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission awarded a grant to fund the work.

Our Summer Quest children’s summer program is happening Fridays, 10 a.m., at the Paul Fuller Pavilion. The theme is Tails and Tales, and the program is open to children age 2-11. Children five and under must be accompanied by an adult. Enjoy stories, crafts, games, and special presenters! The first week featured a presentation about bees, by beekeepers. On Week 2, we were visited by Laurel Hills Park representatives talking about Birds of Prey. This Friday, (July 23) Somerset County Human Society representatives will visit. We also have reading challenges for teens and adults.

People have been asking if our Friends group is planning another electronics-recycling event. They have just confirmed the date with the recycling company. It will be held Saturday, September 11 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Our Listening Locally session on June 14, discussing the book “Choosing Civility,” was a great conversation. Participants have agreed to keep meeting to discuss books. While we are taking a break in August, a September session is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 15, 6:30, at the library, to discuss the book “This Book is Not a Safe Space: The Unintended Harm of Political Correctness” by Corinna Fales. Participants with a variety of views are encouraged to attend. The book will be available soon at our library: contact the library at (814) 634-0512 or follow our Facebook page @meyersdalelibrary for updated scheduling and book availability information.

Finally, general thoughts about reading: it increases creativity, reduces stress, improves our vocabularies, and makes us more empathetic. Can’t we all use some of that?

I hope to see you at the Library!

The Library Lady


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Funding for this website graciously provided by the Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund and Benjamin Bosler Fund of Community Foundation for the Alleghenies

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© 2024 Meyersdale Public Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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