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It's 2023. What's Up @ the Library?


It seems appropriate to start the new year with a look to the year ahead. The library has some big plans for 2023.

Our "Got News" newsletter seems to be gaining some fans. I've written the story behind this project in an earlier blog post. You can find both the current issue, and back issues, here:

Need a job? Want to change careers? A Career Link representative is once again visiting our library on a regular basis. This month, he is scheduled to be available for walk-in consultations between 1 and 3 PM on Monday January 9, and Monday, January 23.

Children's programming is always important to us at the library. Our Friday Preschool Story Hour is thriving this year. Now watch for the return of the LEGO club! We are planning to reintroduce this popular activity soon. We also have two self-paced programs for families to help children learn about money: the Money Monsters, and the Learn As You Grow Bookshelf, both courtesy of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Please take advantage of these resources!

Our Friends of the Library group is having a Mariana's sub and pizza sale. Orders and payment are due by January 18, for pick-up at the library on January 31 between 11:30 and 2 PM. See any Friends of the Library member or ask us at the library main desk.

February marks the return of the annual (until Covid) fundraiser Death by Chocolate. Save the date February 10 for this sweet event. I'll be writing more about this in future weeks, but you will also find more details on our Programs & Events Page.

Looking further ahead, plans are in the works for:

  • March: "Safety First" program about crime prevention and personal safety

  • April: "Pennsylvania Maple Festival Memories," sampling the almost 500 Maple Festival photos from decades past that we digitized and which are now online in PA Photos & Documents and the Digital Public Library of America. Come enjoy this blast from the Maple Festival past, and share the memories.

  • May: "The History Behind the Meyersdale Public Library." This will feature our online collection of photos related to the construction and dedication of our current library building. It truly takes a community to build a library. Are you in some of those photos? Your parents? Grandparents?

  • June 1: Commemoration of the 1998 tornado outbreak which occurred 25 years ago on May 31 and June 2. Hear excerpts from our Tornadoes Oral History collection, and share your own memories of those events.

Of course, we will be holding our 2023 Summer Quest program for children.

All this and much more is planned for the community in 2023! In addition, we are looking ahead to 2024, when Meyersdale celebrates its Sesquicentennial, the big 150th Anniversary. We hope to be involved in planning and organizing the celebration! We plan to host some brainstorming sessions soon.


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Funding for this website graciously provided by the Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund and Benjamin Bosler Fund of Community Foundation for the Alleghenies

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© 2024 Meyersdale Public Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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