Fall is here, and students are busy learning again. We hope students of all ages will take advantage of Tutor.com, Chat with a Librarian, TumbleMath, and all the great PA POWER Library resources. Links are available on our website, http://meyersdalelibrary.org.
A Google search may not yield accurate information – paid promotions come up on top! Resources provided by PA POWER Library are curated for accuracy. They are subscription-based resources – but free to you!
We had hoped to resume in-person Story Hour programs this fall. We were really looking
forward to gathering the preschoolers in the library again! Story Hour

is always such a lively and fun time. However, the rise of the easily transmitted COVID-19 Delta variant, and the strain it has put on area hospitals, has forced a change in plans. Our Board of Trustees voted to begin this season’s Story Hour programming with a virtual Story Hour.
We will be posting story hour videos with a story and Miss Cindi demonstrating a craft. We will have kits with the materials for the crafts at the library. Participants may pick the kits up during the week that the Friday video will be posted, so that the craft can be made right along with Miss Cindi’s video demonstration. Participants may register for the Fall Story Hour program when they come to pick up their first craft Kit.
The first story hour video will be posted Friday, October 22, at 10 a.m. After that, starting in November, we will be posting a Story Hour video on the first and third Fridays of each month until we’re able to resume weekly in-person Story Hours.
You can look for links for the videos on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, and on the home page of our website.
In addition, our Library has recently been gifted books and science kits that we will give to families to keep. Preschool books are courtesy of a state program. Science kits are courtesy of a grant from the Elks. We also received books for elementary students thanks to the Elks grant. Watch for details regarding the distribution of these items!

he 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge will begin soon. If the thought of reading 1,000 books to your preschooler seems impossible, please note that RE-READS COUNT — even the 100th reading of Green Eggs and Ham, or whatever book your child demands again and again!

October is TEENtober in library land! Our Teen Corner is one of my favorite areas of the library – but unfortunately, it is under-used. We’ve moved some of our favorite Young Adult titles to a display by the front desk, where the current bestsellers are usually found. Teens: come see what we have! (We also have Teen STEM project kits – fun with Math, Engineering, and Electricity. Just ask!)

Our Listening Locally discussion group for adults is transitioning to a more traditional book discussion format. This month’s discussion, Thursday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m., will be about Delia Owens’ bestseller Where the Crawdads Sing. All are welcome.
Unfortunately, one thing that will NOT be happening this fall is the Friends of the Library event Wine at the Mansion. The Friends group had hoped to hold the event this fall. However, in light of the local spike in Covid-19 cases, it seems prudent to postpone the event to a date to be determined later.
