April 22 is Earth Day, this year.
Earth Day was first observed in 1970. As noted on History.com,
Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2021 will occur on Thursday, April 22—the holiday’s 51st anniversary. The holiday is now a global celebration that’s sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on green living. The brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the protests of the 1960s, Earth Day began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 to maximize the number of students that could be reached on university campuses. By raising public awareness of pollution, Nelson hoped to bring environmental causes into the national spotlight.
I truly believe that most people want to take care of our planet, though they may disagree about how to go about it and what the greatest environmental dangers are. Of course, our library wants to help. We have a number of resources about issues related to the environment, written from a variety of perspectives.
Picture books for young children:

Earth Day Every Day, by Doe Boyle
Mr. Garbage, by William H. Hooks
Healthy Earth, Healthy Bodies, by Jill Weaver
Earth Moves, by Jill C. Weaver
The Throw-Away Generation, by Jill C. Weaver
Night Walk to the Sea, by Deborah Wiles
Books for older children:

Saving the Environment, by Victoria Parker
Ecology Crafts for Kids, by Bobbe Neeham
Fracking, by Tamara Thompson
Living Green, by Helen Orme
Energy for the Future, by Helen Orme
All That Trash, by Meghan McCarthy
The Tropical Rainforest, by Gerald Cheshire
Kids Fight Plastic, by Martin Dorey
Books for adults:

The Loneliest Polar Bear, by Kale Williams
Global Resources, by Helen Cothran
Global Warming, by Paul Brown
Green-up Your Cleanup, by Jill Potvin Schoff
52 Activities to help you and your kids discover the wonders of nature, by Jennifer Ward
Plastic Soup: An atlas of ocean pollution, by Michael Abbing
Drowning in Oil: BP and the reckless pursuit of profit, by Loren C. Steffy
Our new online magazine platform, cloudLibrary Newsstand, has several magazines that are relevant, including:
Sustainability Today
National Geographic

Our cloudLibrary platform for ebooks and audio books contains some titles:
Losing Earth: A Recent History, by Nathaniel Rich (audio book)
Ecological Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, PhD (audio book)
Plastic Ocean by Capt. Charles Moore (audio book)
The Climate Challenge, by Joanna Cole (Magic School Bus audio book for kids)
Enjoy one of these titles to celebrate Earth Day!
The Library Lady