It's Computer Science Education Week. This seems a good time to point folks toward some resources that can help you make friends with or improve your relationship with computer technology. Computers have become more and more a part of the everyday landscape of our society. However, using them can pose challenges.
People who create social media items like the one below often tap into the frustrations encountered by technology users.

Do any of these descriptions fit you?
Someone who knows nothing about computers and has no idea where to start learning. (If so, you're probably not reading this. However, I'd bet most everyone knows someone who fits this description!)
Someone who knows a little about computers, but wants to learn a little more
Someone who knows a fair bit about computers, but wants/needs to learn more
Someone who thought they knew a lot about computers, but has encountered a new technology that they need to master
Someone who works/wants to work with technology, and is looking for information on a particular technology topic.
Anyone else who has had a need to deal with a computer for any reason, whether they wanted to or not.
Someone who would like to help a friend or family member learn how to use a computer.
Here are some good, FREE resources to help you deal with technology.
DigitalLearn offers FREE, self-paced courses for even the newest beginner, as well as productivity courses and online safety courses. Click the logo to learn more! If you know someone who might like to try this but lacks computer access (or doesn't even know how to turn one on!) we will be happy to help them get started on one of our public computers.
PA Online Learning, provided by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries for all Pennsylvanians, is a FREE growing collection of tutorials on how to use software, social media, and library resources, such as POWER Library! Click the logo to learn more!
Now Available!
Nearly 1,000 new e-books have been added to the PA POWER Library's GALE EBOOKS and EBSCO eBooks collections on the subjects of digital literacy, computer programming, juvenile and YA nonfiction, business, communication, and more!
Of course, our library has books on its shelves dealing with a variety of computer-related topics.