I was excited to hear about the return of the Community Yard Sale on August 19. I always thought that was a neat event, with people all over town having their yard sales on the same day.
As I recall, the Community Yard Sale was promoted by The New Republic, and they offered brief FREE listings of so many words for those who registered to hold a sale. (You could add more words, as I recall, for an extra charge.)

Since our library is trying to fill some of the gap left by The New Republic's demise, I've decided that our Got News?? newsletter should continue the Community Yard Sale free listing tradition for the Community Yard Sale.
Are you planning to join the fun and have a yard sale on August 19? Send your brief yard sale listing (address, time, and a few words about what you're offering) to us by noon on Monday, August 14, and we will list it in a newsletter insert in that Thursday's Got News??. (Individual/family/multi-family, and nonprofit yard sales only. No business sidewalk sale listings, please.) Drop it off at the library or send to:
We reserve the right to edit for space, but your address and any information about time will be printed.

The library is tentatively planning to have its own yard sale. We need to part with some books. Some are donations we couldn't use in the collection, some are items we "weeded" from the collection because they were no longer being checked out. (We regularly have to part with books to make room for all the new books!) We just lost our primary means of recycling books, and this seems a timely opportunity to re-home some volumes!
Yours Truly, the Library Lady, must admit that I previously signed up only once to do a yard sale at my home on Community Yard Sale Day years ago. I had high hopes to get rid of some unwanted items and raise a little money. However, as it happened, that was the week the upstairs plumbing at our house broke and part of the dining room ceiling fell down. We cancelled the yard sale, other matters being higher priority at that moment.

That yard sale listing in The New Republic did serve a purpose, however. We had mentioned the biggest, bulkiest item we wanted to part with -- a large treadmill. We had no space for it after we remodeled to add a downstairs lavatory (which we were extremely glad to have when the upstairs one tried to fall through onto our dining room table.) Despite cancelling the yard sale, the ad did bring an inquiry and eventual sale of that treadmill.
Good luck with your yard sales, everyone. May there be lots of customers and no bad surprises! And please stop by to look at our library's book sale table.
The Library Lady