April 3-9, 2022 is National Library Week. Take some time to explore what libraries have to offer. We’re not just about books anymore!
Announcing the first annual Meyersdale Public Library National Library Week Scavenger Hunt! Come into the library and find these – we’ll give you a list to check off each item, and a treat when you finish the list!
· A book about your favorite kind of animal
· A biography – that is, a book with the story of a person’s life
· A magazine
· A story you can listen to, instead of reading with your eyes.
· A movie on a DVD
· A bookmark about money
· A paper flier about health
· A brochure about cloudLibrary
· A brochure about PA POWER Library
· A flier about Story Time / Story Hour
· A magnet with the library’s hours
· A brochure about our library
· A room where local history items are kept
· A machine the makes copies
· A machine that shreds paper
· A rug with the alphabet on
· A bulletin board with jobs posted on it
· The words “Teen Corner”
· A library computer people can use
· The library’s website on a computer screen
YES, you may ask for help finding things! Also, NO, it doesn't matter how old you are. We hope this scavenger hunt will catch on as a fun thing to do. We plan to continue to offer it through the month of April, even after National Library Week is done.

April is Autism Acceptance Month – formerly Autism Awareness Month. As the parent of an adult son on the autism spectrum, this is an observance I always note and promote. We have a number of books about autism, written from various points of view. Our volunteer Rhonda has created a great display with some of them.
This year we also celebrate Easter in April, and we’re looking forward to Maple Festival at the end of the month. It’s a busy time of year!
The library is once again planning to have a presence in the Maple Festival parade. We haven’t made a float this year, but we hope to march bearing enlarged photos of Maple Festivals past. We are hoping that our digital collection of old Maple Festival photos, like the ones below, will be online and ready for viewing by the end of the month, and this seems a fun way to promote it.

The Library Lady
