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All Together Fun Summer!


Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Promo for visit by Chopper to the Summer Quest program.

Join the summer fun at the library! Our Summer Quest program for kids age 2-11 will kick off on Friday, July 7 at 10 AM with a hockey-themed session featuring Chopper, the mascot of the Johnstown Tomahawks hockey club. We hope participants will have a GOAL of doing a lot of reading this summer, and will STICK with it. Everyone who reads is a WINNER! Each participant in our Summer program receives a gift bag of prizes at the final program session in August, and gets to select a free gift book that they can keep for their home library.

"All Together Now" slogan for the Summer Quest program

Our theme this year is "All Together Now." As our first session celebrates teamwork, other sessions will also emphasize how people work together. It's all about community, and how we are so much stronger when we work together. Sessions will meet Fridays at 10 AM in July at the Fuller Playground, and August 4 at the Community Center gym. The programs will feature stories, crafts, and games. A fun time is guaranteed for all! We ask that you please register ahead of time for this program, so we can plan for enough materials for crafts and other activities. Come in to sign up, or even just call the library (814-634-0512) so we will have an accurate count.

Our July 14 session will feature guest presenters from Laurel Hill State Park. The subject will be how we can all work together to protect our land and wildlife.

Stock photo of firefighter

Our July 28 session will include a trip down the street to the Meyersdale Volunteer Fire Department. We are grateful to our firefighters for working together to fight fires, as a unit and with other fire departments in mutual aid.

We invite children ages 2-11 to be a part of our kids' Summer Quest program. Children age five and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Summer Quest isn't just for kids. We are featuring book-to-movie clubs for tweens (middle school) and teens (high school). Remaining sessions: Tweens may meet and discuss the C.S. Lewis classic The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and view the movie on Wednesday, July 12, at 2PM; and The One and Only Ivan on Wednesday, August 9 at 2PM. Teens are invited to discuss and view The Book Thief on July 19, and The Maze Runner on August16.

We are also offering our traditional Teen Reading Challenge for youth age 12 and up to log their reading and earn entries into prize drawings -- which will be held during a program-ending pizza party.

Our Adult Reading Challenge also returns, with each book read earning an entry into weekly prize drawings.

LEGO Club is still meeting every Wednesday at 4;30 PM. All elementary school age children are encouraged to attend!

Image of typewriter with words "NEW: Writers' group"

We are forming a writers' group for adults. The organizational meeting will be Tuesday, July 18, at 6 PM. All writers -- both novice and experienced -- are welcome. Bring a sample of your work to discuss. (10 pages or less, please!)

We continue to host planning meetings to prepare for Meyersdale's 150th Anniversary in 2024. The next one is Monday, July 10 at 6 PM. All community members are encouraged to get involved in the celebration!

PA Forward Health Literacy logo.

One more thing: Come learn How to Find & Use Health Information on Monday, July 17, 10:30 am - 12 pm. Sharpen your skills with this free adult education class! Learn how to weed out misinformation and find health news that keeps you informed. Receive a $25 Giant Eagle gift card and health kit for participating. Must attend entire session to receive card and kit. Registration required. Sign up at the Meyersdale Public Library circulation desk or call the library (814) 634-0512. Presented by Center for Population Health and Cambria-Somerset COVID-19 Task Force.

We are all-together enthusiastic about all the upcoming events at the library! We hope you will join us for all of the fun!


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Funding for this website graciously provided by the Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund and Benjamin Bosler Fund of Community Foundation for the Alleghenies

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© 2024 Meyersdale Public Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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