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About our Library

Established in 1939 by the local Women’s Club, the Meyersdale Public Library has grown through the years into a vital resource, recognized for its quality of services to this rural region. The library maintains an extensive collection of approximately 30,000 cataloged items, as well as a local history/genealogy archive known by researchers region-wide and beyond. Computers offer internet access and software programs to the public, and Wi-Fi is available. Our thanks to the Pennsylvania State Department of Education and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—their support first made our technology resources possible. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization receiving very little support from our local governments, and tax deductible contributions are welcome.

Photo of Meyersdale Public Library

Our circulating collection includes books, magazines, DVDs, CD audiobooks, downloadable audio books and e-Books, as well as a growing collection of educational items such as STEM education kits, games, and preschool learning kits. The Meyersdale Public Library is located at 210 Center Street in Meyersdale, PA, which is in Somerset County, southwestern PA above the Western Maryland panhandle. Follow US 219 South from Somerset or US 219 North from Interstate 68 through the Casselman River Valley between Mount Davis on the West and the Allegheny Ridge on the East. Come and visit us!


Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are closed for most public holidays. We close for inclement weather on some occasions—we will post closings via WJAC-TV, Facebook, and Twitter.


Libraries are not just about books, but about problem-solving through information. Our focus is to provide information resources, local history and genealogy services, and a creative and welcoming environment for children.

Vision Statement

The vision of the Meyersdale Public Library is to enhance the lives of those in our community by providing opportunities for patrons to attain their goals and realize their personal and professional potential. We hope to achieve this through quality programming, resources, technology, education, and information.

PA Forward®

Our library is a PA Forward® library, participating in the Star Library program. Being part of PA Forward®  enhances our efforts to encourage lifelong learning. The program focuses our efforts to provide resources in five basic literacy areas: Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic & Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy. By the way, we are currently a Gold Star library. It is the highest level of acknowledgment in the PA Forward® program!


We believe that people and organizations can accomplish more when working together.  Therefore, we are happy to work with other organizations to promote literacy and lifelong learning and the well-being of our community.  Our library is part of the Somerset County Federated Library System, and partner with them on projects and programs, including their Digital Navigator Program.

The library is a member of the Heinz History Center's Affiliate Program (HCAP), the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and the Meyersdale Area Merchants Association.  We also work closely with the Meyersdale Area Historical Society (MAHS) to help preserve our local history.

Staff & Board

General email address:


Email is not always reliable. We encourage you to provide an alternate means to contact you if you desire a reply.

Library Administration

Library Director: Terri Foster, MSLS 
Terri has worked at the library since 2004 and has been Director since February 2017. She completed her Master of Science in Library Science (MSLS) degree at Clarion University Online in May of 2020.


“I enjoy helping to connect people with the library materials they want, whether it’s a beloved children’s book, articles for a research paper, or the latest thriller by a favorite author. I especially love our Pennsylvania Room, with its local history treasures, and think it’s a great asset to our library and community. I am available to visit and speak to your group about the library, or to read to classes or homeschooling groups.”





Cynthia Brant, Head of InterLibrary Loans 

Known as Miss Cindi to the many children who passed through our Preschool Story Hour and Summer Reading Program when she led them, she is the person to talk to if you need or want an item which isn’t in our collection.  She will do her best to get it for you from another library.


Debby Faner, Children/Youth Programming Coordinator

Miss Debby is our newest staff member, but her background working with cub scouts, among other experiences, has prepared her to do children's programming.  She also had a significant "apprenticeship" with Miss Cindi, preparing for the transition.


Elizabeth Hornig, MLS

Betty Christy, Library Assistant

Patty Coleman, Library Assistant

Beverly Faner, Library Assistant


circulation staff

Library Director Terri Foster poses with “Bad Kitty” at the Public Library Association Conference in March of 2018.
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Jennifer Hurl, Archivist
Jennifer is in charge of our Pennsylvania Room, which is our archive and local history/genealogy reference room. She and her assistant, Carolyn, will be happy to help you trace your family tree or answer a question about the history of our area. She may be reached at



Carolyn McKinney, Archives Assistant
Carolyn works part-time in our PA Room and is a skilled and determined researcher of family trees and general local history matters. She may be reached at


Email is not always reliable. We encourage you to provide an alternate means of contact if you desire a reply! If you have not received a reply to an email you have sent us, and you didn’t include an alternate means of contact, please follow up. It is disappointing to research a query only to have an email bounce back to us as undeliverable for whatever reason.

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Support Staff

Judy McKenzie, Housekeeping

Sam LaRue, Maintenance

Board of Trustees

Joseph Renzi, President

Fred DiPasquale, Vice President

Bernadette Hobbs, Secretary

Ray Helinski, Treasurer

Jeffrey Hobbs

Doni Miller

Melanie Reckner

Tiffany Stanley 

Wendy Swick


Chat with a Librarian!
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Funding for this website graciously provided by the Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund and Benjamin Bosler Fund of Community Foundation for the Alleghenies

Logo for Community Foundation of the Alleghenies

© 2024 Meyersdale Public Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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